I offer one to one supervision for counsellors, therapists and other helping professionals working with children, young people and/or adults. The idea of ‘looking in together’ is how I value helpful supervision as a supervisee and how I practice as a supervisor. I consider the professional, collaborative and mutually respectful relationship at the heart of supervision where I aim to provide a safe, curious, reflective, creative, informative and restorative space to explore your client work, or work with the individuals you support, as well as facilitate your own self-awareness and self-care. As a creative practitioner I draw on creative ideas and processes as a way to deepen the process where helpful.
My theoretical approach is integrative and I structure the exploration of the work you bring to supervision within Paige and Wosket’s (2015) Clinical Model’s overarching framework. This provides five areas: Contract, Focus, Space, Bridge and Review. I also draw on Hawkins and Shohet’s (2012) Seven Eyed Model especially when working with practitioners based in schools or agency environments. This theory considers: the client, the supervisee’s orientation, the relationship between client and supervisee, the supervisee, the relationship between the supervisee and supervisor, the supervisor’s process and the wider context of the work.
I regularly attend focused supervisor's supervision in order to support my work and ensure ethical practice.